Saturday, December 29, 2012

Read More Smut

Ahhhh,   All my Christmas crap is packed up.  Took a yummy yoga class this morning.  Watched some gal do a freehand handstand (I know there is a better term...) next to me.  WTF.   Then  was singing at the top of my lungs in car.  Set Fire To The Rain.   Then I found myself analyzing this great song.  How the hell is she setting fire to rain??   Watching it pour as I touch your face??  Is she touching his face and also holding a lighter?   I really need to work on clearing my brain because it definitely thinks too much.

My BFF wants me to go see Les Mis with her.   I can't do it.   I read the book.  I cried.  I can't forcibly make myself go to a movie that I know is going to make me cry.

Now comes my least favorite 3 months.  Nothing but gray, cold weather.  And layering.  I hate layering.   In the south we don't even get much of a chance of snow so it's sooooooo boring.  I need sunshine, swimming pools and baseball to be a happy gal.  

But I'm ready and stocked.  I started a beginners crochet book.  (lol Am I 70?)  I have downloaded my Kindle to the gills with all kinds of vampires, smut and more smut.  I have a new Disney puzzle (lol OMG I am 70)  and have raided all our closets for my EBay corner.  (sniff, sniff, good-bye Calvin Klein, Express and all my skinny ass business and party attire)

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